Tag: biodiversity

Just build less

More and more people are asking: how do we move from sustainable design to regenerative design? In these conversations, we often talk about system change. We talk about…

Vision for a regenerative programme of forestry and building maintenance at Hazel Hill Wood

This afternoon I met with two trustees of Hazel Hill Wood to develop some ideas for a funding bid to support more regenerative use of timber to maintain…

Regenerative design as a response to the systemic challenges we face

In the construction industry we are focused on tackling anthropogenic carbon emissions. But this focus misses two wider points.  Firstly, that the climate crisis is just one of…

Notes from RESTORE report Sustainability, Restorative to Regenerative

Here are my notes from reading the RESTORE report ‘ (REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy) Sustainability, Restorative to Regenerative – edited by Martin Brown and Edeltraud Haselsteiner…

Revaluing weeds in the biodiversity emergency

Yesterday a council contractor rode up and down our street spraying weed killer on the pavements, grass and tree pits. I was dumbstruck. This is the biodiversity crisis…

Human-scale chalk stream restoration.

On this afternoon’s walk we had the joy of arriving at a chalk stream. We had started high on the Ridgeway and descended quickly down through the Devil’s…

Connection with nature through drawing

I drew this ash tree at Hazel Hill Wood last weekend. Though it rises opposite a bench where I like to have a morning coffee, I have never…

Planting parking spaces is a dismal affair

Planting parking spaces is a dismal affair. When you water them, the water just drains away. The rich soil underneath is capped. Parking spaces don’t flower; don’t make…

Questions to ask your colleagues in the biodiversity emergency

The biodiversity emergency requires us to change how we value and relate to the ecosystems that support us. Values shift when we change our habits. Habits are the…

Rethinking our relationship with our ecosystem

Yesterday I was writing about what to do after declaring a biodiversity emergency. My conclusions was that the process starts with rethinking our relationship to our ecosystem. Not…

Book notes – The Hidden Life of Trees

It feels right as I take on my new role at Hazel Hill Wood to read the Hidden Life of Trees. This is an evolving post based on…

#18 Hazel Hill Wood – Dawn chorus sonic lockdown therapy- show-notes

30 minutes of uninterrupted dawn chorus Hazel Hill Wood, recorded at the end of March. Hazel Hill is woodland nature reserve and education centre helping frontline staff develop…

My neighbours don’t like bees

We planted a hedge of lavender on our estate to revitalise a barren patch of soil near our front door. This sunny morning, the enthusastic lavender stems were…