Tag: FeedbackLoops

When the joke isn’t funny anymore

I’ve been writing this week about when is and isn’t a good time to optimise. And also about the way a street theatre clown uses feedback to keep…

The tight feedback loops of the clown

In street theatre, the clown lives for the audience. I’m not talking here about the stereotype of the kids’ entertainment performer, but of the much older sort of…

When optimisation is a good idea

There are times when optimisation is a good idea. For example: When the technology involved is mature. With a rapidly changing technology, process optimisation may not keep pace…

Losing edge (on the disadvantages of scale)

In my last few posts I’ve been exploring the relationship between the scale of design team and the connection with the places they are working with. Today I’ll…

No more fish in the sea

Somehow the topics of my posts have returned to the subject of the sea. It is apparently a rich subject to trawl.  Sorry, I couldn’t resist the pun,…

Plenty more fish in the sea

Yesterday’s post on the fish écluses on the Île de Ré speaks to the idea of creating straightforward connections between the resources that humans need to live and…