Tag: insects

Where we make but also where we take

When it comes to regenerative design, it’s not just where we make but also where we take that matters. For the last two decades, engineers (and other humans)…

Restorative versus regenerative design

Restorative and regenerative are two words I am hearing used interchangeably. Both are relevant to engineering and design. Both are approaches to design that are valuable. But they…

Revaluing weeds in the biodiversity emergency

Yesterday a council contractor rode up and down our street spraying weed killer on the pavements, grass and tree pits. I was dumbstruck. This is the biodiversity crisis…

Planting parking spaces is a dismal affair

Planting parking spaces is a dismal affair. When you water them, the water just drains away. The rich soil underneath is capped. Parking spaces don’t flower; don’t make…

Questions to ask your colleagues in the biodiversity emergency

The biodiversity emergency requires us to change how we value and relate to the ecosystems that support us. Values shift when we change our habits. Habits are the…

Microadventure #1: Garden Sleeping

For my birthday this week my partner Mary gave me Alistair Humphreys’s inspirational book  â€˜Microadventures’. According to Humphreys, a microadventure is an adventure that is short, simple, local,…