Tag: Optimisation

When the joke isn’t funny anymore

I’ve been writing this week about when is and isn’t a good time to optimise. And also about the way a street theatre clown uses feedback to keep…

When optimisation is a good idea

There are times when optimisation is a good idea. For example: When the technology involved is mature. With a rapidly changing technology, process optimisation may not keep pace…

The trap of the same way as before

It is easy to do something the same way we did it before.  The previous time acts as a guide. Using the same approach as last time gives…

A suboptimal walk in the hills

Here’s a made-up story I usually tell in our How to Have Ideas workshops at Constructivist. It is a story from the distant past when humans lived without…

Convergent poem

Zero in Figure out Tidy up Manage down Validate Mitigate Prioritise Optimise Strip it back Keep it clear Make the risks  All disappear. These all sound like good…

The wrong (moment to put on your waterproof) trousers

This is a post for the cycling decision-makers among you. It may resonate even if you don’t cycle. Variations on the question of whether, if it starts raining…