Tag: regenerative designPage 1 of 2
When it comes to regenerative design, it’s not just where we make but also where we take that matters. For the last two decades, engineers (and other humans)…
What if, every time we designed a building, the world got better? This post explores the transformative potential of regenerative design, a paradigm shift from construction that contributes…
An abundance mindset is a key tool for the regenerative engineer. It gives three things. The first is the ability to see the richness of the situations we…
We see patterns. We think in patterns. We create patterns. A pattern is something that repeats. A drum beat. An oscillation. Patterns make things regular and therefore intelligible….
This afternoon I met with two trustees of Hazel Hill Wood to develop some ideas for a funding bid to support more regenerative use of timber to maintain…
I’m just noticing that I’m entering that perfect groove of Friday afternoon. I’ve stopped travelling for the week and I’m back at my desk. My head is buzzing…
There’s lots of regenerative design thoughts bubbling around between my ears. I often get to a point in my creative process where I feel I can’t write something…
In my post earlier last week I made the case for regenerative design as a response to the range of systemic ecological, social and climatic challenges that we…
Good news. There is an incredible system that can save humanity and will enable us to thrive on planet Earth. Here’s how it works. It is the system…
In the construction industry we are focused on tackling anthropogenic carbon emissions. But this focus misses two wider points. Firstly, that the climate crisis is just one of…
Rather than look at a design process and ask ‘is that regenerative’, I find it more insightful to look for where a design process is enabling a living…
Salt has been harvested in the bay between Le Croisic and Guérance on the edge of Brittany for centuries. The industry had been in decline but in more…
The second day of cycling along the Loire. A relatively flat 70km that would get steadily heavier going as the day heated up. The cycle path along the…
A day of two halves: book writing this morning and then swing dance teaching at the Idler festival this evening, with some hair engineering in the middle. Enabling…
Here are my notes from reading the RESTORE report ‘ (REthinking Sustainability TOwards a Regenerative Economy) Sustainability, Restorative to Regenerative – edited by Martin Brown and Edeltraud Haselsteiner…
As James and I start to delve into the writing for our book on regenerative design for structural engineers, I am gathering my thoughts on what regenerative practice…
This month I am writing an article on that explores what if we restricted construction material use to those from a local catchment. Rather than a global supply…
Restorative and regenerative are two words I am hearing used interchangeably. Both are relevant to engineering and design. Both are approaches to design that are valuable. But they…
When renewable systems are over exploited they fall into a desertlike state. In this state the system population is too low to support regrowth and the system structures…
Where I live, coal was so abundant near the surface that you could have dug a hole in your garden and found it lying there. This coal was…
Work on regenerative thinking progresses on all fronts. Book writing with my friend James on Monday (read his excellent blog on this process), developing regenerative practice at Hazel…
It’s the first thing we do at Hazel Hill Wood. Light the fire for everyone else. A clutch of tiny twigs, a handful of finger-thick branches, and some…
I underlined these words in Meadows’s Thinking in Systems primer. ‘Thinking about resilience enables us to observe and enhance a system’s restorative powers.’ As with so much in…
Sharing my working notes from today.
As I continue my exploration of regenerative design in engineering, correspondents have said it would be helpful to gather examples of regenerative design. Templates that we can look…
Our nearby allotments are my local source of food and regenerative inspiration. Sharing my thoughts from this weekend’s visit when I was helping with apple pressing. While Bristol…
Today I am sharing more of the thinking that went into my vision question for Hazel Hill Wood: what if we became a centre for regenerative practice? It…
I have been spending more time at the allotment as a stimulation for thinking about regenerative design. Notes from yesterday’s visit.
As I wrote in my last post, this summer I have been thinking about regenerative design, and what it means for engineers. In the context of climate breakdown,…