Tag: SystemsThinking

Seeing the flow

Everything is in flow. Rivers and streams. The air blowing our heads and tall buildings. Information. Pedestrians and traffic. Materials, from mine, to factory, to building, to disassembly…

Juice the System: a strategy for exploring complex systems

Last week, I wrote about an idea-generation strategy I regularly use in teaching called Juice the Brief. This week, I’ve been working on an analogous method called Juice…

Playing poker by the rules of noughts and crosses

This week I am writing about how we make decisions in design. I’ve written before about David Snowden’s way of describing systems using a games analogy (see reference…

Losing edge (on the disadvantages of scale)

In my last few posts I’ve been exploring the relationship between the scale of design team and the connection with the places they are working with. Today I’ll…

340-degree vision

I read on a fact sheet that guinea pigs have 340-degree vision. On a horizontal plane they can see almost all around. Imagine! Their only blind spots are…

Some things you might not know about the Regenerative Design Lab

In the coming weeks I’m going to be talking quite a lot about the Regenerative Design Lab because we have a new cohort starting next week. Some of…