Category: Blog (the archive of everything)Page 5 of 13
At the start of my how to have ideas workshops, I ask where do people have their best ideas. People often say things like running, taking the dog…
Engineers have announced today some astounding new breakthroughs in their latest version of i. This technology is completely free and open-source.
Dear reader, Thank you for following my writing. It means a lot to me. To mark my 18th year of blogging, I am writing 100 posts in 100…
Whenever I enter a period of calm, a quietening, I instinctively want to turn to reflective writing. Writing like this. It feels like I am speaking to an…
When it comes to regenerative design, it’s not just where we make but also where we take that matters. For the last two decades, engineers (and other humans)…
2024 2023 2017 2013 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2004 2001 2000 1999 1990
While it is possible to go direct from Bristol to Edinburgh, and from Bristol to Glasgow with one change, it is a long route and involves spending a…
It’s a funny question. How much does my website weigh? Is it heavy? It is light? I have no way of knowing. But I like the question, because…
Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Sir Misha Black Awards, which celebrate excellence in design teaching. And even more so, the pleasure of hearing last…
I’m enjoying listening to ‘World without Email‘ by Cal Newport. I’ve been an aficionado of inbox-management techniques for many years, but this book adds in new layers of…
I’m just noticing that I’m entering that perfect groove of Friday afternoon. I’ve stopped travelling for the week and I’m back at my desk. My head is buzzing…
Last year I read about foundational capital in Lean Logic. It’s the idea of the capital that systems depend upon to live. For us Earthlings it’s clean air…
There’s lots of regenerative design thoughts bubbling around between my ears. I often get to a point in my creative process where I feel I can’t write something…
In my post earlier last week I made the case for regenerative design as a response to the range of systemic ecological, social and climatic challenges that we…
In the construction industry we are focused on tackling anthropogenic carbon emissions. But this focus misses two wider points. Firstly, that the climate crisis is just one of…
Rather than look at a design process and ask ‘is that regenerative’, I find it more insightful to look for where a design process is enabling a living…