Tag: Donella Meadows

What if every time we built something the world got better?

It is a simple question. What if every time we built something the world got better? Not just in the places we construct but in all the places…

Too many emails – the Eiffel Over guide

I am a connoisseur of email-reduction strategies, so I share this for friends and colleagues of mine who I know are struggling with this at the moment. The…

Four characteristics of regenerative systems

Work on regenerative thinking progresses on all fronts. Book writing with my friend James on Monday (read his excellent blog on this process), developing regenerative practice at Hazel…

Think resilience to observe and enhance a system’s restorative powers

I underlined these words in Meadows’s Thinking in Systems primer. ‘Thinking about resilience enables us to observe and enhance a system’s restorative powers.’ As with so much in…