Tag: listening

Reflections on transformational innovation

These are my reflective notes as I work through chapter two of Daniel Wahl’s ‘Designing Regenerative Cultures‘. My aim in this reading is to find clues as to…

Daddy, how do I have interesting conversations with people?

Dad heart melt moment. My daughter asked, “how do I have interesting conversations with people?”I said, well, a good place to start is finding out what people are…

Proust, constructivism and listening to clients

This week I underlined this sentence from Proust’s Finding Time Again.  “Even at the moments when we are the most disinterested onlookers of nature, of society, of love,…

Asking someone instead of Googling

What if you couldn’t look stuff up online? This is a question I keep returning to. One answer is that other people might become a more important source…

Building creative culture in engineering companies

I am starting to shift my attention away from creative tools for engineers. Tools are still important. But I’ve realised that you need a creative culture for individual…