Tag: Proust

Returning to the centre

Whenever I enter a period of calm, a quietening, I instinctively want to turn to reflective writing. Writing like this. It feels like I am speaking to an…

Design bridges our internal and external worlds

Last night I had the pleasure of attending the Sir Misha Black Awards, which celebrate excellence in design teaching. And even more so, the pleasure of hearing last…

Using ChatGPT to generate ideas

In this post I share some initial thoughts on how using ChatGPT to generate ideas changes creative thinking for engineers, and other humans.  My simple model for idea…

Nothing to say but lots to show

I have nothing to say but lots to show you – Walter Benjamin. I heard this quote this morning on In Our Time and it really struck me….

Analogue Skill 009: Sketch what you see

Take out a piece of paper and draw a sketch of what you can see. You will notice more than you ever would by taking a photograph. Sketching…

Proust, constructivism and listening to clients

This week I underlined this sentence from Proust’s Finding Time Again.  “Even at the moments when we are the most disinterested onlookers of nature, of society, of love,…

Why I write (this blog)

When I teach I realise I am drawing on ideas that I have gathered and processed over many years, but little of which exists outside my head. If…

Too many inputs

All this week I have been writing about organising inputs to the creative process, but at the end of the week I’m feeling overwhelmed from too many inputs….

Proust’s antidote to endless scrolling

The fault I find in our journalism is it forces us to engage with some fresh triviality every day whereas only three or four books give us anything…

Reading Proust – volume 5 update

It wasn’t what I was expecting but volume 5 of Proust’s In Search of Lost Time ends on a cliff-hanger. It is incredible how such separate threads from…

Transformative infrastructure goes both ways

Marseille In my previous post I was talking about the experience of distance, and how, when understood as an experience, distance is no longer a fixed entity. That…

The experience of distance

Marseille A morning walk up the steep hill to the Basilica of Notre Dame de la Gard granted me panoramic views of the city of Marseille and the…

The perils of false modesty

I just read this great paragraph on the debilitating impact of false modesty on judgement.