Search results: "2006"
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[youtube=] I was invited on Wednesday to go and help wobble the Passerelle Simone de Beauvoir (previous posts here and here). The wobbling was being sollicted in order…
At the beginning of the week, the architects for the project that I am working on flew into town for an intensive week of meetings. Most of yesterday…
hello readers I would like to apologise for the lack of posts of late. This blog was meant to be about engineering and my life in Paris. Well,…
Wednesday 1st November Having decided upon taking a detour via Bulgaria, I embarked upon finding out some basics about the country before my train that evening. My first…
Monday 30th continued When it comes to rail travel in Eastern Europe, Budapest is a hub, which is why this is the third time I have arrived in…
Sunday 29th October The Gard de l’Est is my favourite of Paris’ railway stations because of the desitnations on its departure boards: Strasbourg, Hamburg, Berlin, Frankfurt, Munich, Vienna……
Although I have now been living in Paris for five or so weeks, I only had my first full week of lectures last week. We had to give…
Glen Canyon Dam, as featured in the popular film «Superman» When designing, building and operating a dam, there are a few steps that ought to be followed in…
Freedom of speech for the mute Today I taught for the first time my other English conversation class. This class is larger than the first; twenty to the…
This post refers to an event I took part in a couple of weeks ago and I have been meaning to write about it for some time. One…
As far as food at institutions go, the grub at ENPC ain’t half bad. For the early morning caffine boost, elevenses and mid-afternoon pick-moi-ups there is the coffee…
It’s one of those things about growing up. People start calling you Mister. For a long time it was just my bank or anyone asking me for money….
So with an oven installed in our ever-better equipped kitchen, I decided to invite a few of my new international chums over for dinner. We discovered that our…
Sunday evening I started to pack my bag for my first day of school on Monday, or so I thought… A double-check of a letter from ENPC reconfirmed…
On Sunday I had the chance to go to a “repas du quartier” – (neighbourhood meal). The deal is that it’s a meal somewhere in the locality, sometimes…
I saw this ad last spring but it still makes me laugh!
Hooray – I have arrived. Last night, I hauled up the steps the final suitcase into the flat that will be Mary and mine for at least the…
26th August 2006 I am on my way down to the south of France for the bank holiday weekend. This is the first time that I have managed…
This weekend is my last in London. I am away next weekend for the bank holiday, and the weekend after that it’s the big off. It has all…