What if you could present only using questions? Why might you want to? Well, do you want your answer to listen or to think? What is the most thought provoking presentation you went to? What makes you think more, facts or questions?

Do all the questions need to be long? Surely not?

Is it possible to introduce facts using only questions? Did you know that stewardesses is the longest word you type with the left hand using standard typing? Can you introduce case studies? Have you seen Daniel Pink’s presentation on how to pitch?

See what I’m doing?

But I’d say these questions are more grammatical tricks to make sure I’m genuinely only asking questions, wouldn’t you? If we want to move beyond trickery to something more profound, what questions can we ask that have impact?

What are the limiting assumptions of the audience? How can you challenge those assumptions? Is there a way in which you can lead your audience through a series of questions that lead to a more profound answer?

How should I deliver a presentation using only questions? Well, when we ask questions, what do we want people to be able to do? And what do people need to do that? The challenge for you: how much time do you dare leaving in your delivery to allow people to answer your questions in their head?

By asking what if you could present only using questions, I’m really asking you to consider what is it that asking questions allows the audience to do? When is the next presentation you could give only asking questions? If you gave a presentation only asking questions, what impact could you have? And finally, what’s stopping you?