The biodiversity emergency requires us to change how we value and relate to the ecosystems that support us.

Values shift when we change our habits. Habits are the rituals and routines that form part of an organisation’s culture. Work the habits to shift the culture.

We see it in Toyota’s Improvement Kata, which uses habit to reinforce behaviours around improvement, adaptation and innovation. We see it in the ‘safe-start’ procedure used for meetings in safety-critical industries.

And so I’m wondering what might be questions that we might routinely ask each other of our projects in organisations that have declared a biodiversity emergency?

Try these for a start:

  • Can you show me any photos of the trees on your site?
  • What species of tree grow on your site?
  • How old is the oldest tree?
  • How long will it take a new trees planted to replace old ones to reach the same height?
  • What is special about the habitats on your site?
  • Does your site provide any good habitats for insects?
  • What is the most beautiful insect you have seen on site?
  • What birds nest there? Do they migrate? Where in the world do they come from?
  • What is significant about the mitochondria on site?
  • How does your site relate to and support the surrounding ecosystem?
  • What is irreplaceable on your site?
  • Is what we are putting there better than what was there before?

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