Category: Blog (the archive of everything)Page 8 of 13

What if you could present only using questions?

What if you could present only using questions? Why might you want to? Well, do you want your answer to listen or to think? What is the most…

What the fuel crisis reveals about the government’s approach to climate breakdown

I’m sharing today my notes on the fuel crisis and what it reveals about how the government is acting in the wider context of climate breakdown. Defending fossil…

Allotment notes: bindweed and fertiliser

I have been spending more time at the allotment as a stimulation for thinking about regenerative design. Notes from yesterday’s visit.

What does regenerative design mean for engineers?

As I wrote in my last post, this summer I have been thinking about regenerative design, and what it means for engineers.  In the context of climate breakdown,…

Towards Regenerative Conceptual Design

I have had the great fortune of having spent three weeks in France, a good portion of it cycling. Touring is a great way to leave behind your…

Find the disputable brief in your project

The disputable brief is a term I’ve coined to describe the bits of the brief that make your project worthwhile and different. It is easy to write a…

From great to transformative: training and workshops that stick

How do you run a great workshop or training day that really makes a difference to the way people work? The keys are ownership and reflection.  In my…

Analogue Challenge 001: look for the time

On other people’s wrists, on clock towers, outside the jewellers, inside shops, at the station, on the scrolling news, from the position of the sun. Ask someone or…

Four reflective modes for engineers and other humans

I once worked for a client who said his ambition for his firm was that it should become a learning organisation. That thought stuck with me. What if,…

Analogue Skill 009: Sketch what you see

Take out a piece of paper and draw a sketch of what you can see. You will notice more than you ever would by taking a photograph. Sketching…

Analogue Skill 008: Be happy not knowing

There’s a gap between certainty and doubt, and that is being happy not knowing. In this gap is space for discovery, serendipity, delight and the opportunity to grow…

Analogue Skill 007: Print out photos of your friends

Print out photos of your friends. Stick them on your wall. What are they doing? How can you support them? A regular reminder to give them a call….

Analogue Skill 006: Sing songs with other people

Songs to pass the time. Songs of celebration. Songs of nostalgia. Songs that mark the seasons. Songs of work. Travelling songs. Songs that tell a story. Songs of…

Analogue Skill 005: Finding North

Ways of finding north. The position of the sun. The angle of solar panels. The prevailing wind – either live or frozen in the bent and twisted shape…

Analogue Skill 004: Become a regular

Anywhere versus somewhere.  Contactable versus findable. Interchangeable versus valuable.  Stranger versus friend. This analogue skill first emerged for me from asking a simple question. If you have left…

Potential energy navigation – or not pedalling downhill

How driving an e-car has changed the way I think about driving, cycling and our relationship to the landscape through which we travel. I have recently started driving…

What if the screen you are now using is your last?

One day I hope this article will be printed in a book. But until then I can be fairly sure that you will be reading it on a…

Six motivations for collecting Analogue Skills

Today I thought I’d share some of my motivations for the Analogue Skills project.  1 – An engineer’s fascination I am not anti-technology. I’m an engineer. I’m fascinated…

Analogue Skill 003: Watch the clouds – streaming now

Watch the clouds. Streaming now. Telling a story of past, present and future. Of up there and down here. If you also live on the lump of rock…

What is real-world search in a digital world?

What is real-world search, and why might it serve us in the digital world? The promise of a fully connected, digital paradigm is access to all the world’s…

Analogue Skill 002: Remember some phone numbers

Your loved ones. Your best friends. Your colleagues. Could you call them if you needed to?  — This skill is an enabler for leaving the house with your…

More lanes = more cars. More apps = more things to do?

Deleting apps and leaving your phone at home could be analogous to dismantling urban highways. I read earlier this week about the research that established a direct link…

Analogue Skill 001: Buy tickets at the station

Go to the station. Stand in the queue. Look at all the people and wonder where they are going. See leaflets in the rack for places you hadn’t…

If you are stuck in the weeds, look at the ecosystem

This morning I’m writing about how action in the context ecological crisis will sometimes feel a long way from anything to do with nature. I wrote this week…

Book notes: What if we stopped pretending

I originally wrote this post for the ‘Training on what to do After Declaring a Climate Emergency‘ alumni network, and I’m sharing it here too. For some start-the-week…

A minor win in the climate emergency

For years I have toiled to get bathwater out of the bathroom and into the garden to help reduce our water footprint. For many years, gravity wasn’t on…

Gauss, railways and corrugated iron

I really enjoyed listening to the In Our Time episode on mathematician Carl Friedrich Gauss this morning. As is sometimes the case with these podcasts, I hear about…

If I’m the fool then what does that make you?

I heard this line in a BBC audio adaptation of King Lear for kids. “If I’m the fool, then what does that make you?” It struck a chord….

Universal Cycle Flyover

The daily traffic jam on my local high street has inspired me to think about a way to turn a traffic jam into an opportunity to a way…

Great idea – terrible font

Don’t spoil your idea with a terrible font. The environmental movement seems to be particularly prone this affliction. Once upon a time, people with the mindset that was…